Sunday, December 11, 2016

"I'll never be perfect, but I can be better"

Hi! My name is Althea Castillo. I'm just a simple girl with lots of experience about life. And I would like to share my own definition of Happiness.

Most of us probably don’t believe we need a formal definition of happiness; we know it when we feel it, and we often use the term to describe a range of positive emotions, including joy, pride, contentment, and gratitude.

Sometimes, you only think that life sucks when you don't get what you really want every time. Yes! you are rich of money, things, and even food that you like instantly come for you. But do you ever think of those people who don't have shelter to sleep, food to eat, things to wear and money to buy? Of course you don't. You only think about yourself. Those people who don't have everything in life, are the ones who had a true smile in their faces and a true laughter in their hearts. You know why? because they are thankful of what they have. They thank God, instead of questioning God. Everything has a reason. If you don't have the word "enough", you don't deserve the comfortable life God gave you.

We are not rich nor have everything in life. But I have a Family that is not perfect but its worth it. For me, Life is not all about judging others, its about complementing them of what they are, and what they have. As long as you're with your family. Life is not a mess, it is joyful. And that is the true definition of Happiness.

Thank you for reading. Welcome to my Blog!